Guidelines for Self-Reporting and Evaluating Past-Life Memories

…ferring toys or games usually associated with the opposite sex, etc.? Cross-gender behaviors are very common in cases where the previous person was of the opposite sex. They appear most strongly when that person died between their 20s and 50s. If they are absent when you would expect them, you might want to question whether you have made the right identification. • Do you have any birthmarks or other physical signs that might relate to the previou…

Somersan Replication

…symbolism in matrilineal societies: A replication study. Cross-Cultural Research, 29, 158-177. In 1984, Somersan reported the results of a cross-cultural study of ancestral spirit, afterlife, and reincarnation beliefs in relation to descent groups. She claimed significance on each of four tests and described a pattern of “death symbolism” that seemed to typify materilineal societies in contrast to those organized in other ways. None of her findin…

Universals and Variation in Religious Belief and Practice

…Universals and Variation in Religious Belief and Practice 1995. Universals and variation in religious belief and practice. In C. R. Ember & M. Ember (Eds.), Cross-Cultural Research for the Social Sciences. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice- Hall. Abstract Read Universals and Variation in Religious Belief and Practice in full online. Download (PDF). Use the form below to post a comment….

Interpreting the Case of Imad Elawar

…Imad Elawar in full online. To save a copy of Interpreting the Case of Imad Elawar to your hard drive as a PDF file, with the document open in your browser use the browser’s Download or Save button or (with Windows) right-click with your mouse and select “Save as.” Use the form below to post a comment….

AGE and Recycling of Souls

…line. To save a copy of Alternate Generation Equivalence and the Recyling of Souls to your hard drive as a PDF file, with the document open in your browser use the browser’s Download or Save button or (with Windows) right-click with your mouse and select “Save as.” Use the form below to post a comment….

Trait Index

…ncarnation Beliefs in full online. To save a copy of Past Life Memory Case Studies to your hard drive as a PDF file, with the document open in your browser use the browser’s Download or Save button or (with Windows) right-click with your mouse and select “Save as.” Use the form below to post a comment….

Reincarnation Ideologies and Social Correlates

…Social Correlates in full online. To save a copy of Past Life Memory Case Studies to your hard drive as a PDF file, with the document open in your browser use the browser’s Download or Save button or (with Windows) right-click with your mouse and select “Save as.” Use the form below to post a comment….

Of Names and Signs

…ucture on the Northwest Coast in full online. To save a copy of Of Names and Signs to your hard drive as a PDF file, with the document open in your browser use the browser’s Download or Save button or (with Windows) right-click with your mouse and select “Save as.” Use the form below to post a comment….

Archives and Psychical Research

…es and psychical research. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 81, 233-255. The importance of archives to the historian is well known. The value of archives for education is receiving increased recognition, but little attention has been paid to their potential contribution to scientific research. This paper emphasizes the place of archives in parapsychology. Examples are given of the use of primary materials in scholarly writin…

Decline of Past Life Memory

…ases. In M. L. Albertson, D. S. Ward, & K. P. Freeman (Eds.), Paranormal Research (pp. 388-401). Ft. Collins, CO: Rocky Mountain Research Institute. There are clear phenomenological differences between child and adult forms of past life memory and many researchers have assumed them to fundamentally different in their etiology. However, there are transitional cases, and these correspond to the advancing age of the subject. The transitional cases su…

Age and Stimulus

…n subseries p = .0014), and the non-Indian subseries (p = .0079), using chi-square tests. In a two-factor ANOVA with age as the dependent variable, the main effect of type of case (stimulated vs. unstimulated) was significant (p < .0006), but the interaction between type of case and culture (Indian vs. non-Indian) was not significant. Read Age and Stimulus in Past Life Memory Cases in full online. To save a copy of Past Life Memory Case Studies to…

Further Perspectives on Reincarnation Research

…esearch: A rejoinder to D. Scott Rogo. Journal of Religion and Psychical Research, 11, 63-70. The author points out several mistakes and misrepresentations in an earlier paper by Rogo and offers some of his own perspectives on reincarnation research. A model of reincarnation that explains both veridical and fantasy elements of past life memory cases is described. There is great need for more serious research on reincarnation, especially with spont…