New Cases of Reincarnation in Africa

…Shads’ paternal grandmother, who passed in 2011, used to call him ‘brother-in-law’, in recognition of his past life as Bowen. When he was 21, Shads visited Bowen’s village for the first time. He was recognized as the reincarnation of Bowen by one of Bowen’s sons, who hugged him on meeting him, although he did not know at the time that Shads was supposed to be Bowen come back. Shads looked exactly like his father, he said. As they became better ac…

Past Life Memory Case Studies

…memory case studies. In S. Krippner (Ed.), Advances in Parapsychological Research 6 (pp. 184-267). Jefferson, NC: McFarland. Although parapsychology traditionally has been concerned with the question of whether some aspect of the human being survives bodily death, research on reincarnation, as one form survival might take, is a comparatively recent development. Although he had predecessors, Ian Stevenson began the sustained study of past life memo…

Stevenson’s Twenty Cases

…Historical Review and Assessment in full online. To save a copy of   to your hard drive as a PDF file, with the document open in your browser use the browser’s Download or Save button or (with Windows) right-click with your mouse and select “Save as.” Download Ian Stevenson’s Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation: An Historical Review and Assessment (PDF). Use the form below to post a comment….

Asian Versus Western Intermission Memories

…ssion Memories: Universal Features and Cultural Variations. Journal of Near-Death Studies, 25, 3-29. Abstract Read Asian Versus Western Intermission Memories: Universal Features and Cultural Variations in full online. To save a copy of Asian Versus Western Intermission Memories: Universal Features and Cultural Variations to your hard drive as a PDF file, with the document open in your browser use the browser’s Download or Save button or (with Wind…

Dispersed, Nucleated, Dispersed

…Dispersed, nucleated, dispersed: Changing Matses settlement patterns, 1969-1995. In D. Picchi (Ed.), Unsettled communities: Changing perspectives on South American indigenous settlements. South American Indian Studies, No. 5, pp. 33-45. Abstract Read Dispersed, Nucleated, Dispersed: Changing Matses Settlement Patterns, 1969-1995 in full online. To save a copy of Dispersed, Nucleated, Dispersed to your hard drive as a PDF file, with the document o…


…of the latter. Read Reincarnation in full online. To save a copy of Reincarnation to your hard drive as a PDF file, with the document open in your browser use the browser’s Download or Save button or (with Windows) right-click with your mouse and select “Save as.” Use the form below to post a comment….

Registers of Resistance and Accommodation

…dation in full online. To save a copy of Registers of Resistance and Accommodation to your hard drive as a PDF file, with the document open in your browser use the browser’s Download or Save button or (with Windows) right-click with your mouse and select “Save as.” Use the form below to post a comment….

Records of the Parapsychology Laboratory

…ychology Laboratory: An Inventory of the Collection in the Duke University Library to your hard drive as a PDF file, with the document open in your browser use the browser’s Download or Save button or (with Windows) right-click with your mouse and select “Save as.” Use the form below to post a comment….


…m that embraces both extra-sensory perception (ESP) and psychokinesis (mind-over-matter). psychic identification The determination of past-life identities by shamans, mediums or other psychic practitioners. psychological or psychic factor In relation to reincarnation, family ties or bonds of affection or animosity between a previous person and a subject’s family that appear to have played a role in drawing a spirit to its new parents. Cf. geograph…

Children’s Memories of Previous Lives

…s Lives in full online To save a copy of Children’s Memories of Previous Lives to your hard drive as a PDF file, with the document open in your browser use the browser’s Download or Save button or (with Windows) right-click with your mouse and select “Save as.” Use the form below to post a comment….

Margery and the Rhines, 1926

…1926 in full online. To save a copy of Cat’s Paw: Margery and the Rhines, 1926 to your hard drive as a PDF file, with the document open in your browser use the browser’s Download or Save button or (with Windows) right-click with your mouse and select “Save as.” Use the form below to post a comment….

Cat’s Paw

…Rhines, 1926 in full online. To save a copy of Cat’s Paw: Margery and the Rhines, 1926 to your hard drive as a PDF file, with the document open in your browser use the browser’s Download or Save button or (with Windows) right-click with your mouse and select “Save as.” Use the form below to post a comment….