Records of the Parapsychology Laboratory

Records of the Parapsychology Laboratory: An Inventory of the Collection in the Duke University Library

1991. Records of the Parapsychology Laboratory: An inventory of the collection in the Duke University Library. Journal of Parapsychology, 55, 301-314.

J. B. Rhine arranged for the Duke University Manuscript Department (now the Special Collections Department) to receive the records of the Parapsychology Laboratory, and he began to deposit them there in 1961. Today the collection includes some 250,000 items, in over 700 boxes, occupying 350 feet of shelf space. The bulk of the collection relates to the period (1930-1965) when the Laboratory operated at Duke. Correspondence accounts for about half of the collection, research files for a third. Also included are financial records, clippings, personal papers of several staff members, especially Rhine and J. G. Pratt, editorial files of the Journal of Parapsychology, and records of the Parapsychological Association. A detailed 100-page inventory of the collection was prepared, from which the Scope and Content and Series descriptions are excerpted here.

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