Age and Stimulus

Age and Stimulus in Past Life Memory Cases

1989. Age and stimulus in past life memory cases: A study of published cases. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 83, 303-316.

Ninety-five published past life memory cases in which the previous person was identified were analyzed for the relationship between the subject’s age at the time of first speaking of the previous life and the presence of a stimulus to the memories on that occasion. These factors also were analysed in a subseries of 30 Indian and 65 non-Indian cases, and the results of the analyses were compared. The proportion of stimulated to unstimulated cases was found to vary significantly between younger and older age groups in the main series (p = .00005), the Indian subseries p = .0014), and the non-Indian subseries (p = .0079), using chi-square tests. In a two-factor ANOVA with age as the dependent variable, the main effect of type of case (stimulated vs. unstimulated) was significant (p < .0006), but the interaction between type of case and culture (Indian vs. non-Indian) was not significant.

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