Decline of Past Life Memory

The Decline of Past Life Memory with Subject's Age in Spontaneous Reincarnation Cases

1988. The decline of past life memory with subject’s age in spontaneous reincarnation cases. In M. L. Albertson, D. S. Ward, & K. P. Freeman (Eds.), Paranormal Research (pp. 388-401). Ft. Collins, CO: Rocky Mountain Research Institute.

There are clear phenomenological differences between child and adult forms of past life memory and many researchers have assumed them to fundamentally different in their etiology. However, there are transitional cases, and these correspond to the advancing age of the subject. The transitional cases suggest that the older a subject is when the memories first arise, the less developed the memories are, the less likely they are to be cued and the more likely they are to involve altered states of consciousness.Example cases are described and an hypothesis of past life memory is proposed.

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