Past Life Memory Case Studies

Past Life Memory Case Studies

1990. Past life memory case studies. In S. Krippner (Ed.), Advances in Parapsychological Research 6 (pp. 184-267). Jefferson, NC: McFarland.

Although parapsychology traditionally has been concerned with the question of whether some aspect of the human being survives bodily death, research on reincarnation, as one form survival might take, is a comparatively recent development. Although he had predecessors, Ian Stevenson began the sustained study of past life memory cases in the 1960s. This chapter reviews the work of Stevenson and others in this area. It concentrates on spontaneous cases, most of which involve young children. Following an introductory Section 1, Section 2 describes methods used in the investigation of cases and discusses their main features. Section 3 addresses pattern analyses and is concerned particularly with cultural variation. Section 4 takes up commentary on the research, considering especially methodological criticisms and interpretations of the case material alternative to reincarnation. Section 5 evaluates the current state of research with past life memory cases and makes suggestion for further research.

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Past Life Memory Case Studies

1990. Past life memory case studies. In S. Krippner (Ed.), Advances in Parapsychological Research 6 (pp. 184-267). Jefferson, NC: McFarland.

Although parapsychology traditionally has been concerned with the question of whether some aspect of the human being survives bodily death, research on reincarnation, as one form survival might take, is a comparatively recent development. Although he had predecessors, Ian Stevenson began the sustained study of past life memory cases in the 1960s. This chapter reviews the work of Stevenson and others in this area. It concentrates on spontaneous cases, most of which involve young children. Following an introductory Section 1, Section 2 describes methods used in the investigation of cases and discusses their main features. Section 3 addresses pattern analyses and is concerned particularly with cultural variation. Section 4 takes up commentary on the research, considering especially methodological criticisms and interpretations of the case material alternative to reincarnation. Section 5 evaluates the current state of research with past life memory cases and makes suggestion for further research.

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